A Second Screen “Nightmare”

A Second Screen “Nightmare”

In 2011, Disney quietly rolled out an interactive moviegoing experience called Second Screen with some of its DVD releases. Second Screen is an iPad app with games, trivia and behind the scenes goodies intended to supplement the moviegoing experience. Second Screen is...
Retro Rental: Halloween Fun-Size Edition!

Retro Rental: Halloween Fun-Size Edition!

(Every week, in the Retro Rental, James Rocchi recommends a film on disc, download or streaming inspired by what’s being released that week, goings-on in the world, or, really, anything …) You have the bowl of candy. You have a mix of Nick Cave,...
Poison Candy: Movies Set On Halloween

Poison Candy: Movies Set On Halloween

It’s Halloween! Which means everyone should go home tonight and load up on the scary movies (the scarier the better, is what we say – we like our horror straight, and rarely with a dash of comedy). But how many of those movies are actually set on Halloween? That,...
Movie Ice Cream

Movie Ice Cream

This Halloween, I’ll be heading to the Ample Hills Creamery in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. I was there a couple weeks ago and they had a Vertigo-flavored ice cream. So obviously it’s like the coolest place ever. For the record, Vertigo-flavored ice cream is a honey...