by Sean Axmaker | Nov 30, 2016 | Reviews, What's Hot
Pete’s Dragon (Disney, Blu-ray, DVD, VOD) is that rare breed of remake that outshines the original. The 1977 film, about an orphaned boy who runs away from his abusive adoptive parents with a magical dragon, was a live action film with a bright cartoon character...
by Sean Axmaker | Feb 3, 2016 | Home Viewing, Reviews, What's Hot
Bridge of Spies (Disney, Blu-ray, DVD, Digital HD, VOD), Steven Spielberg’s cold war drama, stars Tom Hanks as insurance attorney James B. Donovan, an American idealist asked to represent Rudolf Abel (Mark Rylance), a Soviet spy captured by the CIA in 1957 and...
by Jeff Michael Vice | Mar 26, 2014 | Reviews
Cinematic history is littered with the remains of films that failed to conclude in satisfactory fashion. That’s especially true of horror, a genre that relies, nay depends, on strong endings. Even such recent(ish) horror hits as The Blair Witch Project (1999) and...