by James Rocchi | Apr 24, 2014 | Interviews, Podcast, Staff Picks, What's Hot
Blue Ruin may be one of the strongest American independent films of 2014: It’s a revenge saga, but it isn’t; the hero isn’t a terse one-man army but instead a shy, silent man driven to desperate, dangerous acts; it isn’t about swift, cinematic...
by James Rocchi | Apr 17, 2014 | Interviews, Podcast, Staff Picks, What's Hot
A film-lover’s dream documentary, Jodorowsky’s Dune is a chronicle of magnificence, obsession, impracticality and excess, all culminating in one of the greatest films that never existed. Chronicling the attempts by noted director Alejandro Jodorowski to...
by James Rocchi | Mar 27, 2014 | Interviews, Podcast, Staff Picks, What's Hot
Matt Berninger (R) is the lead singer for Brooklyn-based band The National; his younger brother Tom Berninger (L) was a would-be-filmmaker residing in his parent’s house when Matt asked him to work as a roadie and shoot documentary footage on a ocean-crossing...
by James Rocchi | Feb 20, 2014 | Interviews, Podcast, Staff Picks, What's Hot
This week on The Lunch, regular host James Rocchi is joined by both Alonso Duralde — Film Critic for The Wrap — and Dave White — of — to talk about the new-school Robocop remake and the singular strangeness of the original after...
by James Rocchi | Feb 13, 2014 | Interviews, Podcast, Staff Picks, What's Hot
This week on The Lunch Podcast, regular host James Rocchi is joined by stand-up comedian and author DC Pierson (DERRICK comedy, Crap Kingdom, The Boy Who Never Slept and Didn’t Have To) for a lengthy discussion of Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street...
by James Rocchi | Feb 11, 2014 | Reviews, Staff Picks, What's Hot
Nearly any remake begins its life in Hollywood with the same moment, as some executive gazes upon an older film, whether classic or c-level, and accurately observes that the biggest problem with the original film is clearly that it is not making them any money. And so...